SEMPER REFORMANDA publishes essays both new and old. Besides receiving well-written and well-researched articles from contemporary authors, the greater part of our essays are revived from dusty stacks in the library. The editorial group is constantly combing through old theological journals searching for essays that live up to
standards. We look to revive the best of what our fathers have written to shed light and clarity on contemporary issues.
If you would like to join us in our quest, feel free at any time to post a comment with bibliographic information for articles that you think we ought to consider republishing. If you wish to submit your own writing, leave your email in the comment section and we will send you instructions for submitting original work. Proposed articles will be judged on their clarity of thought, literary style, and, most of all, their healthy distrust of the ecclesiastical status quo.
SEMPER REFORMANDA always and only posts reformation theses.
reverend terell o. huber is a 1982 graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He is dominically ordered to serve in the Preaching Office at a two-point parish in northeast Nebraska: Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Verdigre and Christ Lutheran Church in Bazile Mills, Nebraska.
douglas d. fusselman is a 1982 graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
reverend daniel g. bremer is a 1984 graduate of Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, Missouri. He is dominically
ordered to serve in the Preaching Office at Grace Lutheran Church in Grand Island, Nebraska.
reverend jonathan g. lange is a 1990 graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He is dominically ordered to serve in the Preaching Office at a two-point parish in southwest Wyoming: Our Saviour Lutheran Church in Evanston and St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Kemmerer, Wyoming.
soli Deo gloria